Why do people have different outcomes in the same or similar situations? What causes their experiences to diverge? What happens in the process of creating an outcome — the evolution and manifestation of a reality?
Big questions, without a single or simple answer. All very relevant in this period of planetary transition and evolution. As I have emphasized before, conscious choices and action matter enormously for individuals and the planetary system.
I observe and write a lot about the creation of reality. Why? Because you can only be empowered in your life, your world, and your future if you thoughtfully and reflectively engage with the choices around you. You may not even realize that you are making choices, since some outcomes seem so “obvious” or “inevitable.” In my eyes, that’s a widespread and serious problem.
If you would like to expand your awareness — and capacity to make clear, conscious, and uplifting choices, then please join me for a discussion of how reality can be “seeded” in a particular direction. You might even be very surprised to find that the state of world affairs is NOT necessarily getting worse and worse every day.
What is “seeding a reality”?

What I call the “seeding of a reality” is an intentional, or unconscious, act to direct the flow of awareness, energy, desire, and (ultimately) action in a particular direction, and usually, towards a particular outcome.
The “seed” of an idea, expectation, desire, or need is “planted,” and then grows into a pathway of actions that people take. It can seem “natural” or inevitable, but that’s rarely the case. If a different seed was planted, then a different pathway would unfold, and a different outcome would occur. Just like if you plant a tomato seed or a cucumber seed. Very different results.
In our current planetary and cultural time-space, an incredible amount of the “reality seeding” is negative, from many sources. I observed a shift about five years ago in the planetary energy dynamics towards emphasis upon destructive, high conflict, polarized, and discordant outcomes. These outcomes and tendencies have always been present, but in this current planetary state, the disruptive and dysfunctional pathways have come to dominate perception (and to some degree, dominant expression).
I do not find it constructive to discuss the why and how of this large scale shift. What is physically perceived is mostly the result or symptom of much deeper reality structures. Suffice to say, a “negative” seed has been planted worldwide.
Is everything “bad” now?
The core problem with the “tilt” of awareness towards negative outcomes is that this perceptual “angle” elicits a positive feedback cycle. More anger, doom-saying, unhappiness, fear, and dissatisfaction tends to be encourage more of the same. Energy builds and people see their world, and their choices, through this lens.
In many respects, in this type of energetic and perceptual state, no matter what happens, the situation is “bad” and a sign of “things getting worse.”
For a simplified and straightforward illustration, let’s look at the prevailing perception of California weather. Nowadays, I have observed that almost no matter what the weather is here, it is portrayed as problematic. If it rains, it is raining too much and a sign of extreme weather events increasing. Bad for flooding, mudslides, travel, etc. If it doesn’t rain, then it is a sign of long-term drought, and elicits fears of a new water crisis. Even when the state reservoirs are near capacity.

As I’m writing this, we’re in a mid-winter dry spell, and I’m amazed at the reporting of the situation (by many parties; e.g., news reporters, government agencies, and university scientists). If storms return later in the season, this seems like it would be beneficial to alleviate the below average rainfall this year. However, today, I saw it described that it probably means an even worse wildfire season because vegetation will grow more later in the spring.
If it rains, it is bad. If it doesn’t rain, it is bad. See what I am pointing at? Regardless of the actual events, the perception and expectation of the unfolding reality is negative and destructive.
It is not that the facts, analyses, or events are fundamentally inaccurate or don’t exist, but that the interpretation — and emotional orientation — are heavily leaning in one direction. It takes a little bit to infer negativity, and a lot to argue for beneficial possibilities. Reality has been tilted.
No wonder people are anxious, depressed, mal-content, and looking for someone or something to blame.
The tilting of reality
Another way to view the seeding of reality is to imagine that the reality has a “tilt” to it. If a surface is flat, then it is possible for a ball to roll in any direction — a 360 degree view of pathways. But if the surface is tilted, then the ball will always tend to roll in a particular direction, and it takes constant energy to push it back to equilibrium or in another direction.
I do not wish to delve into the transient dramas of politics, but I can point out, that no matter what happens in the upcoming US election, about half of the country will be unhappy with the result. Most US elections (for most major contests) are won by very small margins. Close to half (47-49%) of the country’s preferred candidate, whomever that is, will lose.
This is nothing new. It happens every election. But now, in the current perceptual climate, the outcome will likely be magnified into a long-term disaster in many people’s awareness.

I am certainly not saying that all results are equal! What I am pointing out is that a new level of intense emotional energy has been attached to a basic feature of the US political system. Consequently, people have lost perspective on the bigger picture, and skewed their interpretation of events in a particular direction.
Depending upon whom your ask, no matter the tangible differences, large portions of the country will likely have the conviction that things are bad and getting worse. This is a symptom of a negatively “seeded” reality pathway.
Alternatively, it would be possible to recognize the historical ebbs and flows of political systems and cultures. Dissatisfaction can give rise to action for constructive change and correction of newly revealed problems. Rather than getting “worse and worse,” there is a potential opening towards “new and improved.” Discontent and disharmony can give rise to deeper change and beneficial long term evolution. I discuss this further in my article of “embracing worldwide dysfunction.”
Getting level-headed and hearted (again): choices
I hope that the ideas and examples above have provided you with some serious grounds for (re)consideration of your perception of reality. It is easy to keep looking in a particular direction, and forget that you are free to turn your head for another view. If you get stuck long enough, your (metaphorical) neck gets stiff. Then, it becomes harder and harder to have a full range of (perceptual) motion.

This limitation of awareness — of potential, of possibility, of perspective, of choices — is the greatest danger that I see from a negatively seeded reality. Not the current transient state of affairs, or some impending catastrophe, but rather, the inability to perceive and create a different state of affairs. Losing choice and the capacity to constructively act is what constrains, compresses, and destroys planetary systems. Very often, the loss of choice and action is passive. In other words, people become apathetic, or go down a particular path, because they don’t perceive that they have other choices and directions of action.
Here are some questions to help you get started in reviewing your possible “reality tilt.” I suggest that you look closely at your perspective and interpretation of present and future reality in order to determine if you need to “rebalance” your viewpoint. You can apply these inquiries to something specific, or something much larger in world.
First, do you feel that you are on “level ground” now? Why do you perceive the world the way that you do? Has that changed? When?
Second, do you wish to continue looking at the world this way? How does it serve you? Is your approach constructive and leading to beneficial/better outcomes?
Third, if you didn’t have this belief, expectation, or interpretation (insert whatever you wish here), what would you do? Are there any new choices that occur to you? Why (or why not) would you make a particular choice?
It may seem somewhat obvious, however, I would like to point out that the most powerful “antidote” to a negatively-seeded reality is a “positively-seeded reality.” You can seed the reality of your daily life any way that you wish! That is your first and most fundamental contribution to the world.
May you choose — rather than inadvertently receive — the seeds that will grow into what you experience and share in life. When you commit to this level of awareness and recognition of options, then you can step fully into your potential as a creator of your reality.